5 Ways to Make Money Online When You Have No Money

Ways to Make Money Online When You Have No Money - Immediately, this statement goes completely against what many online have led you to believe.

This story is well known and goes a little something like this:

First, a “newbie’s” introduction to the online world typically comes from those who have been successful (and, unfortunately, not so successful, as well) who tout the value of one legitimate online business model over the next.

While one may advise of the benefits behind jumping right into product creation, others can passionately argue the value of loading your own website up with Google Adsense adverts and affiliate links.

Generally, with anything you choose to do online, you will require some degree of an online presence: facilitated by your own website, with domain and hosting packages.

Let’s put this commonplace logic behind us for just a moment, though.

While I don’t mean to discourage any goals pertaining to the development of your own internet business empire, the truth of the matter is that many who find themselves wandering aimlessly in the online world don’t necessarily have a significant amount of money to spend or invest. Their dreams may be lofty; however, their resources may be very limited.

Where the crinkle of hundred dollar greenbacks doesn’t provide extra cushioning to your backside, leveraging your own skills, passions, and abilities is a completely viable alternative to making any significant monetary investment. In fact, in order to get started making money online, you have only to look so far as the many completely free websites and business models that are available to you.

1. Crowdsourcing

From writing, to graphic design, head on over to a website like CrowdSPRING.com, sign up for free, and submit an entry or two. In an online space where brands are continually competing, you can tactically embed your own skills and abilities into the crowdsourcing business model and walk away with a few extra bucks in your pocket: if you are good enough, and passionate enough.

Be wary, however, because a “creative”, such as what I would advise you to become, essentially assumes all the risk in this online model.

With thousands of “creatives” throughout the world submitting entries, you may work very hard on an entry, only to find out that you don’t win. Akin to investing in a pink sheet penny stock, your upside reward can be very substantial if you learn to be a good steward of your own time, and go after projects that you are very confident you can win.

2. Fiverr

Making serious waves in an online space, Fiverr’s business model isn’t without it’s own fair share of those who gloriously praise it to those who outright condemn it.

When you sign up to post a gig on Fiverr, be sure to think long and hard about something valuable that you can offer to others, that will require a very minimal time investment on your part.

The key to succeeding with Fiverr is finding a perfect combination between uniqueness and value, while also gaining the momentum and social proof necessary to substantiate a buyer’s purchase.

3. Social Bookmarking

Whenever you write an article or blog post, you can also create a social bookmark to it. In it’s simplest form, a “social boomark” is simply a few sentence overview written in order to give a brief overview of a piece of content.

Dependent upon the site you choose to socially bookmark from, not only can you earn a pre-designated revenue share on your completely free account, but, oftentimes, short bookmarks can rank quite high in Google.

If you do have your own website, social bookmarking websites, like Xomba, InfoPirate, and SheToldMe, can also be used to gain a great high authority backlink.

If you haven’t written your own article, ownership of social bookmarking websites tend to prefer that their contributors actually submit content from a variety of online sources (so as to diversify their content submissions).

4. Writing Articles for Syndication and Affiliate Earnings

Ask any internet marketer about their preference of article directories and they will, most likely, mention EzineArticle.com. As the lifeblood of online marketing efforts, I truly believe that the written word will always be valuable: even in a world where video (think, YouTube) is beginning to gain a major foothold. When you submit a high quality article to Ezine Articles, you can have the opportunity to have your article syndicated.

This simply means that others, who deem your content to be valuable, can take your article and use it on their own website, while keeping your author’s resource area intact.

Several people I know earn a few thousand a month just from writing content for syndication while embedding their own affiliate links at the tail end of their content.

Alexa Smith, a young internet marketer who posts frequently on the Warrior Forum, earns over $10,000 a month, consistently, just from contributing content for syndication to a website that was completely free to join.

5. Writing Articles for Web 2.0 Revenue Sharing Websites

While the potential for content syndication is generally not allowed in conjunction with the Terms of Service (TOS) of these respective websites, writing for a free website like this can incur its own great benefits.

From an aesthetic point of view, it may actually be very difficult to tell an article directory from a Web 2.0 revenue sharing website platform to begin with. Both are free to use, and both have hosted advertisements.

Where hybrids of each model exists online, you will find that revenue sharing websites do just that: share revenue.

While article directories will allow for content syndication, they generally don’t allow for revenue sharing. Free revenue sharing websites that exist online include sites like HubPages (60% revenue share), InfoBarrel (up to 90% revenue share), and Suite101 (unknown revenue share), just to name a small handful. Jason Mayer (jcmayer777), on InfoBarrel, consistently earns over $1,500 a month there, which gives great indication to the value and potential of writing for a Web 2.0 revenue sharing website.

As you can see from this article, there are a plethora of absolutely free opportunities available online for you to leverage your own passions and skills to begin making money online today.

The opportunities presented just skim the surface in an online world that is filled with completely viable business models that you can certainly use to help you earn money that you can further invest into future ventures.
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